The company has fully completed the production and operation tasks in the first half of the year


The company has fully completed the production and operation tasks in the first half of the year


On July 13th, the company held a work summary meeting for the first half of the year and a production and operation analysis meeting for the second quarter. Each department and unit gave an evaluation of their own work. Guo Yusheng, the executive vice general manager of the company, gave a summary speech, fully affirming the main achievements made in the first half of the year and putting forward new requirements for the work in the second half of the year.

In the first half of this year, in accordance with the work policy and overall deployment determined at the beginning of the year, the company strengthened internal management, vigorously focused on energy conservation and consumption reduction, deeply explored potential and increased efficiency, strengthened market development, and worked hard to create more benefits. New progress was made in production and operation work, and good business performance was achieved. The company achieved a main business revenue of 410 million yuan, completing 56% of the annual plan; Realized a profit of 10.28 million yuan, achieving 87% of the annual plan.

The results of the first half of the year are mainly reflected in the following eight aspects:

One is to create a new level of safety production. The company attaches great importance to and attaches great importance to safety production management, signs safety and environmental protection responsibility agreements with various units, provides comprehensive safety training for production personnel, strengthens the management of external construction teams, and conducts monthly safety inspections. Over 60 hidden dangers identified are promptly rectified. With the increase of production tasks and construction projects, accidents have significantly decreased.

The second is to achieve new breakthroughs through technological progress. A monthly meeting system for professional technical personnel has been established, and 7 scientific research and development projects, including the development of cerium sulfate and ammonium cerium sulfate, have been determined and implemented. In response to bottleneck issues that constrain production and environmental protection, efforts have been made to increase technical research and development, and all established research projects have been implemented as planned.

Thirdly, new achievements have been made in energy conservation and consumption reduction. On the basis of the extensive special governance campaign to eliminate leakage and leakage carried out last year, this year the company has carried out a "finding gaps, looking back" activity. The company has made overall arrangements, and each unit has taken proactive measures based on actual conditions, achieving progress in various indicators such as yield, energy consumption, and material consumption.

Fourthly, new progress has been made in market development. In recent years, the market situation for rare earth products has been extremely severe, and competition has been very fierce. In addition to delivering goods to the international trade company with quality and quantity guaranteed, the company has also increased its market development efforts for its own products, especially focusing on the market development of polishing products and film products.

The fifth is the standardization of 5S management. The company regards 5S management as a means to strengthen internal management. Based on the past, this year, it has revised the inspection items and punishment standards, and newly established two-level agency 5S standards and literacy standards, gradually deepening 5S management. The company conducts comprehensive inspections every month, reports and punishes any problems found, and includes them in the monthly performance evaluation.

Sixth, institutional construction has reached a new level. Institutionalized management is the main sign of a company's maturity. The company has comprehensively revised the existing systems and supplemented some new professional systems, completing a 200000 word "Compilation of Rules and Regulations", which includes ten aspects and 157 professional management systems. It has also made comprehensive arrangements for the study and implementation of the systems.

Seventh, performance evaluation is more operational. At the beginning of the year, the assessment plan was comprehensively revised and key indicators were adjusted to make it more in line with the actual situation of the company, forming eight assessment units for the entire company. The performance bonus for branch management and service personnel was directly linked to the production piece rate of the branch, and the management and service personnel were directly linked to the production piece rate of the entire company. At the same time, employee behavior assessment and 5S inspection assessment were included in the company's performance assessment system, playing a timely incentive role in performance assessment.

Eighth, new steps have been taken in the training of all staff. The company has developed training plans for different positions, levels, and specialties based on the basic principle of "what to do and what to train". In terms of training methods, self-directed training is the main approach, supplemented by outsourced training, with individual self-study as the main approach and centralized teaching as the auxiliary. The focus is on strengthening the job skills training of workshop production operators and the professional ability training and assessment of professional technical personnel.
