The company held a workers' congress to deploy tasks for 2019


The company held a workers' congress to deploy tasks for 2019


The company held the second employee (member) representative conference on January 25, 2019, with a total of 108 people attending. Comrade Chang Chuande, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of the company, presided over the conference.

Comrade Guo Yusheng, Executive Vice General Manager of the company, delivered a report on the work of the General Manager titled "Strict management and severe punishment, real implementation, and comprehensive promotion of the company's development to a higher level".


Guo Yusheng reviewed the company's work in 2018 in the report. Under the correct leadership of the Northern Rare Earth Group, the company has made remarkable progress in all aspects of its work, successfully completed its annual production and operation tasks, and won the title of exemplary organization of Northern Rare Earth, especially in the research, development and production of polishing powder, becoming the first polishing powder manufacturer and supplier in China.

Comrade Guo Yusheng also analyzed the new situation faced by the company and proposed eight major work tasks for 2019: first, to do a good job in factory relocation organization, second, to do a good job in imported ore processing, third, to focus on safety and environmental protection, fourth, to increase technological development efforts, fifth, to do a good job in employee team construction, sixth, to do a good job in supply and marketing management, seventh, to do a good job in performance evaluation, and eighth, to do a good job in finance and auditing.

Li Zunzhou, Deputy General Manager and Union Chairman of the company, conveyed the main spirit of the North Rare Earth Group Workers' Congress. The Production Department, Finance Department, and Comprehensive Department of the company respectively explained the "Comprehensive Production Plan for Lingzhi Rare Earth 2019", "Financial Budget Plan for Lingzhi Rare Earth 2019", "Performance Assessment for Lingzhi Rare Earth 2019", and "Collective Contract for Lingzhi Rare Earth 2019 Salary".

The meeting reviewed and voted on the notice on strengthening labor discipline management and other related issues. The attending representatives unanimously approved the company's decision and immediately implemented it throughout the company.

Wang Bingjun, the deputy general manager of the company, read out the Decision on Commending exemplary individual in 2018, and gave a grand commendation to six exemplary individual who won the advanced titles of Baotou Steel Group and Northern Rare Earth, two exemplary individual who won the title of "the most beautiful craftsman" of Qilu Chemical Industry Park in Linzi District, and nine excellent managers, six excellent team leaders and 26 excellent workers of the company!
