The company held a third quarter work meeting


The company held a third quarter work meeting


On the afternoon of October 29th, a third quarter work meeting was held in the conference room on the third floor of the company's office. The meeting was chaired by Guo Yusheng, the executive vice president of the company, and attended by cadres at or above the deputy department level, team leaders, and department heads.

At the meeting, various departments and units analyzed the production and operation situation of the third quarter, and Guo Yusheng, the executive vice president of the company, gave a comprehensive evaluation of the work in the third quarter. Since the beginning of this year, the overall production operation of the company has been stable, and the economic benefits have maintained a good level within the headquarters system, exceeding the budget at the beginning of the year.

At present, the company is facing many pressures such as production process transformation, overall relocation of the enterprise, and safety and environmental protection. The meeting requires all units and departments to further improve energy conservation, consumption reduction, and tap potential to increase efficiency. Strengthen employee training and improve skill levels. Cadres at all levels should be based on their positions, creatively carry out their work, and go deep into the front line to take the lead. We must attach great importance to safety production and environmental protection work, and ensure the successful completion of all production and operation tasks throughout the year.
